Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Teenager Commits Suicide Using Book Authored by Founder of Hemlock

April 26, 2009 (Secondhand Smoke)

This has happened before and it will happen again. A teenager has apparently committed suicide using the deathNot yet available information contained in Derek Humphry's (pictured) book Final Exit.
Who is Derek Humphry? He founded the Hemlock Society--now Compassion and Choices--with his second wife Ann Wickett, after becoming famous for a book he wrote about assisting the suicide of his first wife, called Jean's Way.
Humphry abandoned Wickett when she was diagnosed with breast cancer (as did the rest of the "right to die" community), and she was ultimately befriended by Rita Marker, the hated enemy of "the ultimate civil liberty."
(continue reading . . .)