Tuesday, August 25, 2009

LifeSiteNews.com - NewsBytes

LifeSiteNews.com NewsBytes 2
Obama, Obamacare,Life Issues, Religion, Islam, Environmental Extremism, Homosexuality,

* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of LifeSiteNews.com. They are presented only for your information.

Compiled by Steve Jalsevac

Note: We are catching up on publishing saved newsbyte items


The Thrill is Gone for Obama
The Media Reporters who traveled with the Obama campaign tell horror stories about the organization — dishonesty, rudeness and abysmal access. But those reporters still served up the glowing coverage.
http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/The-thrill-is-gone-for-Obama-and-the-media_08_2 4-54389032.html

New FCC 'Chief Diversity Officer' Co-Wrote Liberal Group's 'Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio'. Lloyd's instructions to Leftist activists are clear: use the FCC to pummel conservative talk radio. With fines, or entirely out of existence. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/seton-motley/2009/08/06/new-fcc-chief-diversity-officer-co-wr ote-liberal-groups-structural-imb

CNN: More View Obama's First 6 Months A Failure Than Bush's
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2009/08/06/cnn-more-view-obamas-first-6-months- failure-bushs

America Has Been Sucker Punched
The unifier, the great post-racial, post-American President, has adopted the street tactics of Chicago thug politics. His ACORN/SEIU/Union goons are beating up decent American citizens at town hall meetings. And with the violence comes vilification: This is turning into a low grade civil war. Are Obama and Pelosi and their allies ratcheting up civil unrest so that they can call in reinforcements?

Community Organizers Infiltrating Local Catholic, Protestant Churches
Attempts by ACORN-esque organizers to infiltrate well-meaning parishioners in the Catholic Church in the Oklahoma City area, among other places.

LAT Declares 'White House Rebuts Drudge Report Link' But Neglects to Show Disputed Videos


Insult and Injury - How President Obama Thinks and Does Business
President Obama likes to pose as the tribune of the common people, but Americans who show up at town-hall meetings to object to Obama's plans to nationalize health care are, in the words of Obama's Democratic National Committee, "the mob," a bunch of "extremist" yahoos who must be publicly denounced and ridiculed. It's a remarkable piece of condescension and snobbery, but one that is indicative of how President Obama thinks and does business.

Soros Care - Guess who's behind the "grassroots" movement for health care reform?
Most of its component organizations have two things in common: they have no experience or expertise in health care, and virtually all received large, tax-exempt grants from far-Left billionaires like George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry. Like the "grassroots" movement for campaign finance reform a decade ago, the public demonstrations for health care reform are largely a Soros-financed operation. Other funding sources include the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Fannie Mae Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Crazy, scary, vicious mob on some shadowy GOP payroll.

Meet the Mob - Democrat Congressman Yells At Constituent Who Ask About Health Care - Wesley J. Smith

Senator: Jamming Through Health Care 'a real mistake'
Pushing a health-care reform package through Congress without significant Republican support would be "a real mistake" for President Barack Obama, Sen. Joseph Lieberman warned Sunday.
http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/08/23/senator-jamming-through-health-care-a-real -mistake/

'You Are Terrifying Us'
Voters send a message to Washington, and get an ugly response. At the moment the Democrats are looking like something they haven't looked like in years, and that is: desperate. They must know at this point they should not have pushed a national health-care plan. A Democratic operative the other day called it "Hillary's revenge."

What the town-hall meetings represent is a feeling of rebellion, an uprising against change they do not believe in. And the Democratic response has been stunningly crude and aggressive. The president should call in his troops and his Congress and announce a rethinking. There are too many different bills, they're all a thousand pages long, no one has time to read them, no one knows what's going to be in the final one, the public is agitated, the nation's in crisis, the timing is wrong...John Sweeney of the AFL-CIO has announced he'll be sending in union members to the meetings to counter health care's critics. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204908604574334623330098540.html

MRC's Bozell: Media Must Report Liberal Hate Speech Directed at ObamaCare Protests

Ban on federal money for abortions is governed by a regulation that many Democrats, including President Obama, oppose and have vowed to repeal.

Doctors don't want socialized medicine — another flawed health care system like Medicare. They don't believe it will lower the costs or improve quality,

In the debate over health-care reform, abortion can't be swept aside - By Kathryn Jean Lopez

Right now, there is absolutely nothing keeping Obamacare from mandating abortion and violating the consciences of health-care providers who are opposed to it

Subsidizing Abortion - Bill Donohue
Catholic League's Donohue commented on the House health care bill. From 1995 to the present, Rep. Capps has always had a perfect score of supporting Planned Parenthood and NARAL—she gets 100%. Her National Right to Life lifetime voting record is predictably 0%. And this is the congresswoman whom Catholics are supposed to trust on abortion?

The Risks of a "Right" to Healthcare by Deal W. Hudson
The need for universal health care, guaranteed by the federal government, is so deeply felt among the bishops and other Catholic leaders that even the prospect of abortion funding has yet to evoke much of a public protest against the bills presently in the House and Senate. Apart from official letters from Justin Cardinal Rigali and Bishop William F. Murphy, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York is the only bishop who has spoken out strongly against the bills due to their abortion provisions.

Five Questions For Our Bishops About Healthcare by Deal W. Hudson http://insidecatholic.com/Joomla/index.php?option=com_myblog&Itemid=127

'Religious Left' to Launch Pro-Health Care Reform Campaign
http://www.christianpost.com/article/20090810/-religious-left-to-launch-pro-health-care-re form-campaign/index.html


Pro-life congress in Colombia calls on politicians to defend life and family

Brooklyn Rabbi arrested as human organ dealer

Pope tells pharmacists avoid filling prescriptions for 'immoral purposes'

Twins created to treat sick brother Children created by a couple through IVF to help treat an older son's blood illness have been described as the first 'saviour sibling' twins.


Personal morality essential to stable economy, Cardinal George tells K of C http://www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm?storyid=3716

Pope Benedict XVI Has Emerged as the Great Conservative Champion Conservatives are searching for a leader. Move over Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney.

Can nuns go "beyond Jesus"?
Is the Vatican ready to move "beyond the church, even beyond Jesus"? That's the heart of this story.

The Main Blogger Employed by Ms. Malkin is a Rabid Atheist He is openly contemptuous of believers and routinely blasphemous.


Muslims Push for Sharia in Kenya, Christians Fear Persecution

Muslim Europe: The Demographic Time Bomb Transforming Our Continent
The EU is facing an era of vast social change, reports Adrian Michaels, and few politicians are taking notice

'Islamic Antichrist' No. 1 e-book in America


Climate Change 'greatest challenge': UN chief
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says climate change is the greatest challenge facing a world beset by crises and called on governments to reach a deal on the environment at a meeting in Denmark later this year.

The number of Americans who say the media have exaggerated global warming jumped to a record 41 percent in 2009, up from 35 percent a year ago.

The Scientific American Affair


Protestants Support Gay Rights A forum of Protestant and Orthodox churches in India has said homosexuality is "a natural or genetical reality", adopting a radically different stand from other influential Christian denominations across the world. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1090805/jsp/frontpage/story_11322140.jsp

Federally Funded Group Advises Teens on How to Decide if They Are Gay http://www.cnsnews.com/public/Content/Article.aspx?rsrcid=46200

Special six-part report on unbelievable Transgender Bill public hearing at MA State House, with photos, video. The propaganda machine in full force -- and the pro-family counter to it. http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/09c/tranny_hearing_0714/hearing.html


Is a Secret Group Organizing Push to World Government?
Spirit Daily's Micheal Brown urges Rome to rethink global oversight and oppose it at any powerful political level.

Harper government more connected to 'organized anti-feminism' than previous Conservative or Liberal parties...the social conservative position of a group like REAL Women often find resonance more in this current government than in previous ones... http://www.thehilltimes.ca/html/index.php?display=story&full_path=2009/august/10/qa_bashevkin/&c=2

2010 SENATE CAMPAIGN: Polls show potential GOP challengers would beat Harry Reid http://www.lvrj.com/news/54286087.html

Matthews: 'Is Sarah Palin a Poster Girl for Racism?
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2009/08/06/matthews-sarah-palin-poster-girl-rac ism

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