Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Medical Mayhem: Latina Teens Targeted for Breast Cancer & Preemies

Latina Teens Targeted for Breast Cancer and 'Preemies'

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by RPRC, Brent Rooney (MSc), fullterm40@gmail.com:

Latina Miss "F.B." won her Breast Cancer (BC) law suit claim against Portland, Oregon's All Women's Health Services (abortion clinic ) on 24 January 2005. AWHS did not dispute any F.B. claim, since AWHS conceded all claims in an "offer of judgment." F.B. was under age 18 years at the time she told AWHS about her FAMILY HISTORY of breast cancer. After F.B.'s law suit AWHS became aware of Janet Daling's Journal of the National Cancer Institute study; Dr. Daling's abstract: http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/86/21/ 1584. One sub-group were 12 women with a family history of breast cancer & who had induced abortions under 18. Were half of those women in the group with BC (cases) & half in the control group (no BC history)? No, ALL twelve women had breast cancer & 'pro-choice' Dr. Daling found this to be "statistically significant."

If only 20% of U.S. teenage females have breast cancer family history, then tens of thousands of women under age 18 are having illegal abortions performed on them every year. Increasing a teen's breast cancer risk via an elective (unnecessary) surgery is gross malpractice. All seven abortion consent forms Brent Rooney has read make zero mention of higher BC risk for women under 18 age with a breast cancer family history.

Can abortion-quackery be virtually eliminated? Two major abortion risks are BREAST CANCER & future premature & handicapped newborns (e.g.s. Mental Retardation, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy). Future court wins for these risks could bankrupt hundreds of abortion clinics; visit: www.justiceforkids.webs.com for information that may well improve plaintiffs' odds of winning such law suits. Bankrupt abortion clinics will perform zero abortions. "The best classroom is the court room."

In a 1986 study of Los Angeles, California women (84% Latina women) Dr. Michael Ross (UCLA, email: mikeross@ucla.edu) reported that women with prior induced abortions had 31% higher relative odds of a preterm birth than women with zero prior induced abortions.
URL: www.thieme- connect.com/ejournals/abstract/ajp/doi/10.1055/s- 2007-999893.

The most common induced abortion procedure ("suction") has zero animal studies to validate its safety: URL: www.jpands.org/vol13no4/rooney.pdf.

For Breast Cancer risk reduction information visit: http://bcpinstitute.org/booklet4.htm.

Brent Rooney: www.justiceforkids.webs.com