Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who Donated to the Maine Same-Sex Marriage Battle?

What Other Bishops Helped?

In Maine Same-Sex Marriage Battle

It was widely reported that the Roman Catholic diocese of Portland, Maine was a large contributor to the Question 1 campaign against same-sex marriage. 

But Portland, Maine is a small diocese. How did it come up with over $500,000 for this battle? Who donated to the Maine diocese? 

Among the largest donations were from other Catholic dioceses. Phoenix (Bishop Olmstead) and Philadelphia (Archbishop Rigali) gave $50,000 each. Next were Kansas City, Kansas (Archbishop Finn); St. Louis, Missouri (Archbishop Carlson); Providence, Rhode Island (Bishop Tobin), Youngstown, Ohio (Bishop Murry); and Newark, New Jersey (Archbishop Myers) – all at $10,000 each. 

No record of any California diocese giving money to the Maine diocese for Question 1 appears in the Maine campaign finance filings. 

Click here to see the Maine campaign contributions and expenditures for the Portland, Maine diocese. 

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