Friday, January 29, 2010

Senator Tom's Bill Would Protect Abortion Industry, Not Women, Say Silent No More Leaders

STATEN ISLAND, Ny., Jan. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- A bill pending in the Washington state Senate, SB 6452, seeks to protect the abortion industry and keep the truth about abortion's risks from women said leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign today. 

"Senator Rodney Tom's bill to regulate pregnancy resource centers is not about protecting women, it's about protecting the abortion industry," said Janet Morana, co-founder of the SNMAC, the world's largest network of individuals harmed by abortion. "It's another thinly veiled attempt to keep women away from centers where they are actually given a choice other than abortion." 

"The legislation is just plain dangerous," added Georgette Forney, another co-founder of the SNMAC. "It would use the outdated opinions of abortion proponents to bar pregnancy centers from telling women about the scientifically documented link between abortion and breast cancer. It's obvious that protecting the abortion industry is more important to Senator Tom than protecting women's lives." 

"The science is there -- more than two dozen studies from around the world show that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. The latest study came out only this month," stated Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and Pastoral Director of the SNMAC. "I implore legislators, don't let the abortion industry hide the facts from women." 

Since the launching of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in 2003, 3,423 women and men have shared their testimonies publicly at over 489 gatherings in 48 states and seven countries where more than 103,583 attendees have heard the truth about abortion's negative aftereffects. More than 6,200 people are registered to be Silent No More. Raising awareness about the hurtful aftermath of abortion and the help that is available to cope with the pain are two of the Campaign's goals. 

The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life. For more information, please visit our website: