Saturday, December 31, 2011

Staggering abortion rate among UK's teenagers

Data released by a European research group has revealed how European countries compare with respect to teen abortion rates.

A previous study conducted by the group “REPROSTAT 2” analysed abortion rates among girls ages 13-19 in 25 European countries and the findings have placed the UK under fire.

The UK had the second highest teen abortion rates at a rate of 22.1 per cent, and it has also been reported that a quarter of all abortions in the UK are from teenagers, according to Mail Online.

Interestingly, Greece, which shares similar abortion laws to the UK, had the lowest teen abortion rates with a rate of only 4.1 per cent.

Despite the low teen abortion rates in Greece, research shows that overall abortion remains relatively high throughout the nation. Some argue that overall abortion rates in Greece can be attributed to the Greek Orthodox Religion, which critics say does not strongly condemn abortion.

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