Monday, February 20, 2012


Pro-Life Today Header
Monday, February 20, 2012
With Jesus and my son in the garden of Gethsemane   

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus went into the garden of Gethsemane and began the climactic experience of His life on earth-His passion, crucifixion, death, and resurrection-with fervent prayer to His Father, our God and Creator. In that garden, Jesus was well aware of what was about to happen and why. As Saint Mark's Gospel records, "He [Jesus] advanced a little and fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass by Him; He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible to You. Take this cup away from Me, but not what I will but what You will'" (Mark 14:35-36). In those moments of sorrow and dread, Jesus found the hope, faith, and strength to continue with His mission. 

[Click here to read more.]





Life Site News 

In a landmark legal case that established the right of a mother to sue if her unborn child wrongfully dies before viability, today the Alabama State Supreme Court unanimously ruled that "each person has a God-given right to life."  A concurring opinion issued by four judges specifically stated that Roe v. Wade's viability standard "should be rejected by other states until the day it is overruled by the United States Supreme Court."

CNS News

President Obama also erroneously claims that access to these services is in the interest of women's health, although none of these services are necessary to prevent or cure a disease or pathological medical condition. Instead, they take a perfectly healthy reproductive system and render it dysfunctional and sterile. Hormonal contraceptives are also associated with increased blood pressure, blood clots and an increased risk for breast cancer. In addition, hormonal contraceptives have been shown to double the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. No medical association recommends the use of hormonal contraceptives as routine preventive care for healthy women. They are only used for the disruption of normal fertility. In light of these facts, it becomes difficult to argue that the use of contraception, sterilization and abortion inducing drugs are required preventive medicine. These are purely elective treatments that prevent the natural and healthy consequences of a certain lifestyle choice. Pro-choice advocates demand that the Catholic Church "stay out of the bedroom," then they demand that the Church pick up the tab for what happens in the bedroom

Life News

"Contraception reduces unintended pregnancies" has joined its fantastic make-believe friends "death with dignity," the "efficacy" of embryonic stem cells, the "certainty" of man-made global warming, and the "positive" multiplier effect in the leftist vernacular. Hopeful that repetition supplants truth, choirs of liberal faithful are singing. Now consider, instead, reality.