Sunday, May 27, 2012

CMMB: Your Weekly Reflection in Prayer: Pentecost

"I will pour out My Spirit upon all humankind. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Even upon the servants and the handmaids, in those days, I will pour out
My Spirit."
Joel 2:28-29
May 27, 2012
Pentecost Sunday
Dear Friends,
What happened to the apostles on Pentecost happens to us. From fear, even hiding, from uncertainty and withdrawal, they go forth to proclaim that Jesus is the Risen Lord, and they go from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
How was this possible? Because the Spirit was poured out and bathed them in power. The Spirit united, inspired, and empowered them. He healed them of their slowness and lack of faith. He took away their fears and sent them forth. That same Spirit comes to us, so that we in our day share in the unifying, compassionate, healing power of Jesus Christ.


Almighty God, we are privileged to be called to share in the loving, healing, and reconciling mission of Your Son Jesus Christ in this age and wherever we are. Since without You, we can do nothing, may Your Spirit make us wise; may Your Spirit guide and renew us. May Your Spirit strengthen us so we will be strong in faith, courageous in witness, and persistent in good deeds. This we ask, through Christ our Lord.

Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors