Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LifeSiteNews - Wednesday May 23 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

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* Mum beats lung tumour after refusing to sacrifice her baby to save her own life - Peter Saunders
* Abortion pictures rile members of pro-choice church - Jill Stanek
* Obama thought police unleashed on women - SBA List’s new VIDEO ad ROCKS! - John-Henry Westen

X-Men superhero to have same-sex ‘marriage’

Ben Johnson Wed May 23 18:10 EST Homosexuality

"The message is: You can do the same thing," said X-Men writer Marjorie Liu.

Vatican backs European personhood initiative

Patrick B. Craine Wed May 23 10:46 EST Abortion

The Vatican is backing a petition campaign in the European Union that seeks a debate towards enshrining personhood for the unborn from the moment of conception.

Number of ‘pro-choice’ Americans hits record low: Gallup poll

Ben Johnson Wed May 23 10:20 EST Abortion

Being pro-life is now the majority position in America, the poll finds.

Target flip-flops, funds same-sex ‘marriage’ organization

Ben Johnson Wed May 23 16:38 EST Homosexuality

"It would make a lot more sense for Target to help raise money for traditional marriage," Chuck Darrell of Minnesota for Marriage told

911: Moans, screams heard from botched abortion victim at late-term facility

John Jalsevac Wed May 23 13:47 EST Abortion

Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue told that information raises concern Carhart may be violating Nebraska's ban on late-term abortions.

Abortion debate jeopardizes 900-year-old Liechtenstein dynasty

Peter Baklinski Wed May 23 16:22 EST Abortion

Prince Alois had threatened to veto a referendum to legalize abortion, and now the prince is saying he will step down if the country curtails his veto powers.

Indonesians fight to stop ‘blasphemous’ Lady Gaga ‘Born this Way’ concert

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman Wed May 23 15:57 EST Homosexuality

The performances have also sparked protests by Christians in the Philippines, South Korea, and Hong Kong.

Rising birth rate in former Soviet nation credited to Orthodox Patriarch

Thaddeus Baklinski Wed May 23 15:37 EST Family

Patriarch Ilia II offered to become the godfather of all babies born into Orthodox Christian families who already have two or more children.

Not all doctors are shills for the abortion industry

Denise J. Hunnell, MD Wed May 23 15:00 EST Opinion

This desire to hide important information from women is dangerous, and more importantly, demeaning to the dignity of women.

President Obama: The best thing to happen to the pro-life movement in years?

Susan Michelle Wed May 23 12:48 EST Opinion

Pro-lifers were shaken awake by the election of a man who advocated abortion with few restrictions.

Sixth World Congress of Families Conference takes place in Madrid May 25-27

Thaddeus Baklinski Wed May 23 12:07 EST Family

Austin Ruse told LifeSiteNews that the organizers of the event are hoping for 2000 participants at the Congress from countries around the world.

Ghoulish ‘art’: the Body Worlds exhibit

Eric Mataxas Wed May 23 10:03 EST Opinion

Why should we care about how human corpses are treated? Your answer depends on your worldview.

Bored to death? How we consume media.

Eric Mataxas Wed May 23 09:43 EST Opinion

Do we shape our media, or do our media shape us?

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