Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reason #5 to defeat Barack Obama: Judges




vicfund-donate-sq-052312Long after Barack Obama is gone from the White House, the judges he appointed will continue to make policy that you and I and millions of unborn babies will be forced to live . . . and die with.  

Wait a minute, you say, judges don’t make policy!

In Barack Obama’s world they do.  Judges gave us abortion on demand and judges are the last line of defense for extreme pro-abortion policies most Americans reject. 

In Barack Obama’s world, his kind of judges are more than happy to play legislator and ram their pro-abortion policies down the throats of the voting public. 

Take the case of Andrew Hurwitz, Obama’s nominee to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The Courts of Appeals are just a step below the Supreme Court, so their impact can be significant.  And the Ninth Circuit, which includes California and several other western states, has been considered the most radical appeals court for many years. 

In the early 1970s, Hurwitz was a law clerk to a Connecticut judge who overturned that state’s law that protected unborn children from abortion.  Hurwitz not only approved of what the judge did, but touted his own role as a law clerk who helped write the decision.

Hurwitz bragged that this sweeping decision was then used by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade to grant a right to abortion, not just in the first trimester of pregnancy, but all the way through the first and second trimesters and beyond.

54 million unborn babies have died from abortion under Roe v. Wade, over 4 million of them killed in the second trimester, because of the “laws” these judges made up.  Now Barack Obama’s Democrat-controlled pro-abortion Senate has voted to add this fawning supporter of Roe to what is already the most radical federal appeals court in the nation.  

The National Right to Life Victory Fund is working to defeat Barack Obama for this and so many other reasons.  The NRL Victory Fund is also working to elect a pro-life majority to the United States Senate and House.  The Senate can confirm or deny judicial appointees and should not confirm any nominee who would use the power of the bench to make up laws that aim a dagger at the lives of unborn children.   

Please give a gift today to the NRL Victory Fund so we can bring some sanity back to our judicial branch and help the unborn at the same time!  Please click below to give and give generously.  Thank you!



Carol Tobias,

National Right to Life


To Donte Now: http://www.nrlvictoryfund.org/donatev3101/

National Right to Life Victory Fund
512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004

202-626-8835 - www.nrlvictoryfund.org