Sunday, October 28, 2012

40 Days for Life: DAY 33: Fading stereotypes

Dear Deacon,

As we head into the final stretch of the campaign,
we are starting to see abortion workers give up on
their stereotypes ... of YOU.

Weeks into the campaign, all the labels are finally
set aside. The workers begin to question what they
are doing ... and why it is wrong. This has already
led to three workers having a change of heart during
this campaign!

Some employees come to the conclusion that they can no
longer justify working at an abortion center -- and
experience the great freedom that comes with leaving.

Others, however, just get mad -- and take it out on
the people peacefully praying outside. Through their
actions, they begin to show how troubled and
discontented they really are.

As vigil participants, we know that it is best to not
respond and not get upset ... but to continue to pray
for these people and show the love of Christ. When
they ARE ready to leave, they will remember the love
you showed them.

Here are a few examples of how 40 Days for Life
prayer teams have, in the face of anger, responded
with Christ's love.


Planned Parenthood called the police again. It seems
that two women stopped by the 40 Days for Life vigil
to thank people for their prayers and assistance --
and they parked in Planned Parenthood's lot.

One of the women just wanted to encourage volunteers,
since she was adopted -- and had adopted a child
herself. She was grateful that neither she nor her
daughter had become victims of the abortion industry.

The other woman had been a Planned Parenthood client
who changed her mind and chose life for her child,
who is now a few months old. She stopped by to
update the volunteers and let them know that she
was getting assistance from local ministries.

In addition to calling the police, agitated Planned
Parenthood staffers came out, took pictures and
harassed the women.

When the police arrived, they helped settle things
down ... and they understood that the two women had
no idea that simply parking on Planned Parenthood’s
property would create such tumult.

The volunteers asked for prayer for the two women --
as well as prayer for the conversion of the Planned
Parenthood staff.


A month into the campaign, the abortion center staff
in Austin is still trying to find a legal reason that
might disrupt the 40 Days for Life vigil.

"They claim that we are breaking city ordinances by
having our signs on a display," said one of the
Austin volunteers, "which we are not. And we've
proved that a million times before."

"I like when the police drive by and smile with a
wave," said another volunteer. "The smile is a nice
way of saying, keep up the good work."

To see a picture of one of the displays at the Austin
vigil, go to:


The slogan is familiar: "Keep abortion safe and legal."

"This is one of many rants we hear while we have been
praying at Bread and Roses [yes, that's the name of
the abortion center] during these 40 Days for Life,"
said Jazmin in Gainesville. "It is yet another example
of the irony and deceit which surrounds abortion."

Abortion, obviously, is not "safe" for the baby -- and
there are physical, spiritual and emotional risks for
the mother as well. As for "legal," that certainly
isn't the same as "moral." Morality is constant; laws
can be changed.

Jazmin said she is convinced "these angry rants of
passersby are the dead consciences of our community
being stirred out of their stupor. May our continued
presence during the remainder of these 40 Days for
Life stir the hearts of those in our city to seek and
find the truth regarding the sanctity of human life."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Terry Gensemer,
National Director of the Charismatic Episcopal Church
for Life...


May we absorb the truth that God is paying attention
to us, and to each human life, personally and


When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your
fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have
ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him,
and the son of man that You visit him? For You have
made him a little lower than the angels, and You have
crowned him with glory and honor.

-- Psalm 8:3-9

REFLECTION by Fr. Terry Gensemer

How often we ignore the phrase, "stop and smell the
roses" and instead submit to the all too "urgent"
task at hand. Is this tendency what keeps us, at
least in part, from acknowledging that God's care for
His sacred creation is paramount in His own mind?

The Psalmist speaks of God's handiwork: the heavens,
the work of his "fingers," and then points to God's
masterpiece - human life. He declares to us that God
is mindful of us. God keeps His masterpiece in His

God, the creator of the awe-inspiring heavens, is not
distracted by the tasks before Him. He is not pulled
away, as we might be, by thoughts of something "more

God is paying attention to and attending to His
crowning glory, His masterpiece of creation, which
cannot be duplicated or replaced, which surpasses the
beauty of all other created things -- the human

There is no way to adequately describe how God feels
about us as human beings. There are no words to fully
portray His love, compassion or desire to be in
communion with us.

Perhaps, the closest we can come, is to contemplate
the thoughts of a mother as she gazes for the first
time at her newborn child. God cares for Life.

We, as His followers, should take time to consider
the life He has created and called upon us to love
and protect.


Lord, you are the creator of all things. Guide my
thoughts to consider your creation in all of its
majesty, beauty and holiness. Guide my heart
especially to your creation of precious human life.

Help me to comprehend how essential life is in your
own heart. Teach me to appreciate, love and protect
all human life through your son, Jesus Christ our
Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: As always, if you have news to report from your
    community's 40 Days for Life effort, please let
    everyone know! You may leave a comment at today's
    blog posting at:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA