Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ALL Pro-Life Today: JFK's 'Speech on Faith' - The conscience: False dichotomy

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
JFK's 'Speech on Faith'----The conscience: False dichotomy
By Fr. Gerald Goodrum, S.T.L.

Germane to a discussion on conscience is John F. Kennedy, who, as a politician, ironically promoted an arguably anti-Catholic mentality in several of his views on the moral conscience and the role of religion in the public square. Kennedy has, of course, subsequently become a prototype for others who have followed his style of Catholicism with regards to public life. His principles on this subject were mainly espoused in a presidential campaign speech to a group of Protestant pastors at the Greater Houston Ministerial Association in 1960 while he was still a senator. Although much could be written, both pro and con, about this "Speech on Faith" or "Ministerial Association Speech," here the discussion is limited to merely addressing two false dichotomies.

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For the third time in 2013, pro-life activists have reported that an ambulance has responded to a California Planned Parenthood's call for help and transported a patient to a local hospital. The troubled Planned Parenthood abortion clinic is located at 700 Tustin Dr. in Orange, California. Pro-life activists photographed a fire department paramedic ambulance arriving and leaving the Planned Parenthood clinic on March 9 at approximately 3:30 p.m. as they prayed outside the facility. They report that two other medical emergencies took place at this same clinic in February, incidents for which no photographs have been made available.

Charleston Tea Party
Have you seen the billboard campaign about Reform Sex Education? This is sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Network in South Carolina. Under the guise of accountability, the SC Planned Parenthood Network is using the 25th anniversary of the SC Comprehensive Health Education Act to pass H3435 which will retroactively legalize State Department of Education "common core standards", instruction and practices for sex education and family structure in our public schools. H3435 is nothing more than the Planned Parenthood fox guarding the hen house! Bills like H3435 are being filed and passed in almost every state in the nation this spring during their legislative sessions. The agenda is well orchestrated and heavily funded. Their primary goal is to make abstinence education programs and their educators illegal in schools. At the same time, they want to legalize and mandate the promotion of sexual freedom and "safe and pleasurable sex" as an entitlement under the pretense of pregnancy and STD prevention. The ultimate goal is to prevent live births, while increasing sexual activity.

The [Texas] Senate Education Committee this morning approved a bill to ban Planned Parenthood from providing sex education materials or instruction in public schools in a 6-2 vote, after little discussion. Democratic Sens. Royce West and Leticia Van de Putte voted in opposition to Senate Bill 521 by Sen. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney. Public school districts that opt to provide sex education must make all course materials available for public review and allow parents to exempt children from any portion of the course without penalty.