Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Contact Congress Today in Support of Religious Freedom!

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Dear Friends,   

     We know that prayer is a powerful weapon. In just over a month from now, the bishops of the United States are sponsoring another Fortnight for Freedom of prayer and fasting to rebuild our culture and protect religious freedom. 

     Though the First Amendment is still part of our Constitution, we face serious challenges to religious freedom in the United States, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations like Human Life International to comply with the HHS contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate. Potential Supreme Court rulings this June could redefine marriage, causing religious freedom issues for Catholic adoption agencies and other organizations, as we've already seen in some states. 

     Our country needs people of prayer, but we also need people of action. That is why I'm asking you to take just a few minutes to act today in support of religious freedom. 

     Some members of Congress are supporting proposed legislation to protect individuals and institutions with moral or religious objections from Obamacare's mandates. But too few members of the U.S. House and Senate are hearing from their constituents about the urgent need to protect religious freedom in America. 

     Please call the U.S. Capitol switchboard today at 202-224-3121 and ask your representatives to enact legislation protecting religious freedom. 

     If you don't know specifically who to ask for, you find your representative in the House and both of your Senators online. Call 202-224-3121 and ask for your Member of Congress by name, then explain how important it is that he or she support legislation to protect the conscience rights of the American people. You can even go a step further and ask to meet with them in their offices during the upcoming Memorial Day recess to express your concerns face to face. 

     Invite your friends and family to contact their representatives about protecting religious freedom as well by forwarding this email and posting messages on Facebook and Twitter. Use the hashtag #religiousfreedom on Twitter. 

     We all want to leave a better world for the next generation, but we can't become complacent in the fight for that better future. Call Congress today to protect religious freedom.  

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

Fr Boquet Sig-transparent  
Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International   

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