Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heroic News: “"I'm that girl who chose life"” plus 6 more


Posted: 30 May 2013 10:02 AM PDT
"Sooo . . . I’m 22, and I’m a single mom, and I used to be “that girl who got pregnant.” After my crazy conversion story of scheduling an abortion, choosing life, choosing God, and choosing healing, I thought some of you might like an update as well as some insight on being pro-life. So, here it goes."
Posted: 30 May 2013 05:15 AM PDT
Operation Rescue has learned more about the death of an abortion patient at a shoddy Baltimore abortion clinic located in a residential condo complex. The operating license of that facility, Associates in OB/GYN Care, is currently suspended after state inspectors determined that it posed a danger to the public.
Posted: 30 May 2013 05:12 AM PDT
The mother of the newborn baby who was rescued by firefighters after becoming lodged in a sewage pipe leading from a public toilet in Jinhua, China, won’t be charged, according to a local police official.
Posted: 29 May 2013 11:41 PM PDT
Why would the UNFPA focus so much of their attention on an issue affecting only 8% of the women they mean to target? Simply put, their glossy reports are intended for policymakers representing donor countries. If you’re asking for billions of dollars for family planning – $8.1 billion a year, to be exact – it’s easier to make your case in terms of providing access to one’s basic human rights than in terms of foisting contraceptives on women who are skeptical of their effects or opposed to them on principle.
Posted: 29 May 2013 11:29 PM PDT
Civil rights groups on Wednesday sued Arizona to block a 2011 law banning abortions based on the race or sex of the child that makes it a felony to knowingly provide a sex- or race-based abortion.
Posted: 29 May 2013 07:21 PM PDT
Today the California Senate passed SB 323, the bill revoking the tax exempt status of non-profit youth organizations, including private schools, should they not hire, or allow as leaders, persons whose sexual conduct is against the beliefs of such institutions.
Posted: 29 May 2013 02:29 PM PDT
Two men 'wed' in the southern city of Montpellier on Wednesday in the first legal 'marriage' between people of the same sex in France.