Friday, June 12, 2015

Abortions drop nationally: #winning

June 12, 2015

Abortions Down Nationally

News reports this week stated that abortions have dropped nationally 12% since 2010. This is amazing news! In some states, like Hawaii, abortions dropped an incredible 30%.
While reasons do vary as to why abortions are down, the good news overall is that less abortions are happening, which means more mothers are choosing life for their babies.
Why do you think that is? We think we have an answer...

How We Interact Matters

by Emily Wilkinson, SFL West Coast Regional Coordinator
One of my favorite parts of being a Regional Coordinator is getting to have conversations about abortion with strangers on a regular basis. (If you’ve never had that experience, you should try it sometime!) Most recently, I brought SFLA’s Planned Parenthood Project to a liberal California campus where we dialogued with passing students about PP’s abortion agenda.

One of the students who stopped to talk was a pro-choice girl with a lot of legitimate concerns. I really appreciated the opportunity to talk with her since the media so often portrays both sides just yelling over each other. We talked for a long time covering multiple topics – adoption, women’s rights, unplanned pregnancies, the need for accessible healthcare, and whether the unborn is a human/person. Then she turned the focus back to our display. Read how the conversation continued-->

Millennials Are Rethinking Abortion
A GALLUP POLL last month found that 50 percent of Americans identified themselves as “pro-choice” on abortion, compared to 44 percent who called themselves “pro-life.” It was the first time in seven years that the pro-choice label was more popular.

Whatever Americans may call themselves, however, fewer and fewer are getting abortions.

From the Associated Press this week came word that abortions are plunging in almost every state, in many cases by more than a fifth since 2010. “Abortions have declined in states where new laws make it harder to have them,” the AP’s David Crary wrote, “but they’ve also waned in states where abortion rights are protected.” Continue reading-->

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The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas law that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at area hospitals in order for their facilities to remain open.

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